=== Logo Slider - Logo Carousel, Logo Showcase & Client Logo Slider WordPress Plugin === Contributors: LogicHunt, themearth, vaskarjewel, sudarshan955 Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=vaspal%2ekt%40gmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=LogicHunt&item_number=wp¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted TagsTags: logo slider, logo carousel, logo showcase, logo grid, wordpress logo slider, client logo slider, brand logo carousel slider, sponsors logo slider, logo carousel slider, responsive slider, wordpress logo slider, logo ticker, wordpress logo carousel, logo slideshow, partners slider, affiliates, supporters logo slider, team slider, team showcase, wordpress logo showcase Requires at least: 5.5 Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: 3.5.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Logo Slider is a 100% Responsive Logo Carousel Slider & Grid Showcase Plugin. This Highly Customizable Logo Carousel Slider Can Display Unlimited Logo with Infinity Slides Loop. == Description == Logo Slider is The Ultimate & Most Popular Logo Showcase Plugin. It's more than your expectations. Create and Design Anything You Can Imagine. It's Very Easy to Customize, & Yes! It's Workable :) ### Logo Slider by [LogicHunt.com](https://logichunt.com) >[__Live Demo__](https://demo.logichunt.com/logo-slider-wp/) | [__Docs__](https://docs.logichunt.com/logo-slider-wp) | [__Support__](https://logichunt.com/support) | [__Get Premium Version__](https://logichunt.com/product/wordpress-logo-slider) It's a very simple, highly customizable & easy to implement 100% responsive Logo Carousel Slider & Grid Showcase WordPress Plugin. Control Almost Everything from Strong Admin Settings. No need for any coding skills to showcase your company or client's brand logo. Enjoy Without Any Annoying Admin Notice. = The Best WordPress Logo Showcase Carousel Slider with Unlimited Brand Logo with Infinity Slides Loop. Full Responsive, Multi-usage & Easy to Use. = Logo Slider is a responsive and easy to use Logo Showcase carousel slider plugin for wordpress. With this Logo Slider plugin you can display a list of clients, supporters, partners, team or sponsors logos in your website. You can Create a grid of images with suitable links. This logo showcase plugin works great on mobiles and tablets. This Logo Carousel plugin allows you to add a logo showcase to any page of your wordPress site using an easy to use shortcodes. This Logo Carousel Slider Can Display Unlimited Logo with Infinity Slides Loop. = Basic Input Fields = * Logo Image * Brand or Company Name * Tooltip Text * Brand URL * Item Description = What’s New? = * One-Click Shortcode Generator. * Grid and Slider Layouts. * Add Unlimited Showcase and Logo Item. * Separate Settings for Each Shortcode/Showcase. * 100+ Hover Animation and Effect. * Custom Tooltip Text for Each Logo. * Smooth Ticker Enabled Carousel Slider. * Coverflow Transition Effect. * Lazy Loading Carousel Slider. * Full True RTL Supported. * Grid Image Vertically Top, Bottom, & Center Alignment. * Fully Customizable Title and Subtitle of the Showcase Area Header. * Set tooltip text, background, border and arrows color and dimension. * Adjust Item title & description font size, color, weight and bottom margin. * Set Showcase Area Background IMAGE/COLOR, Overlay Color, Width, Padding, Margin etc. * Logo Item Can Be sorted as ASC/ DESC order by Custom Drag & Drop, Title, Date, or Randomly. = Features of the plugin includes = * Show unlimited logos. * Reorder logos by Drag & Drop. * Easy To Use – no coding required. * User-friendly Shortcode Generator. * 100% Responsive and Mobile friendly. * Generate unlimited showcase shortcode. * Control the number of showcase columns on different Device Viewport. * Fastest Support By Core Developer Team. * Image, Link, Title, Tooltip Text & Description option for each item. * Enable/disable full item or logo image border-color, width, radius & hover color. * Enable/Disable section header. * CSS3 based animation effects. * Custom Link for each item. * Use multiple instances on same Page. * Infinity slides loop. * Smooth auto-play/ Ticker Carousel Slider. * Enable/Disable auto-play. * Control carousel sliding speed. * Customize slider pagination & dots color. * Show Nav/ Dot on Over. * Slider auto pause On Hover. * Infinite loop for the slider. * Control slider transition Speed & Delay. * Carousel item vertically top and middle alignment. * Icon & text based navigation button. * Lazy load enabled carousel slider. * Pagination and active color. * Show/hide pagination on mobile. * Set a maximum number of item to show. * Show/hide navigation arrows & pagination dots. * Control slider pagination speed. * Responsive & touch friendly slides. * Touch and Swipe enabled navigation. * Mouse Draggable & Grab Cursor style. * Preloader Settings * Control Tooltip position. * Five tooltip animation. * Set tooltip animation duration & delay. * Hover and click tooltip trigger type. * Background image & overlay color for slider area. * 100+ hover animation and Effect for showcase. * Works on iOS, Android and latest Desktop browsers = For fast support, features request, and bug reporting = If you have any problem or feature request for this plugin, please feel free to contact us! [__Contact Us!__](https://logichunt.com/contact-us) | [__Get Support__](https://logichunt.com/support/) = PREMIUM UPGRADE = For premium upgrade, please go [__here__](https://logichunt.com/product/wordpress-logo-slider) == Installation == = Using The WordPress Dashboard = This is the simplest method of installing a plugin. 1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard 2. Navigate to "Plugins > Add New" 3. Find the search form in the top-right and type "logo-slider-wp" 4. To install the plugin click the "Install Now" 5. Click "Activate" to activate the plugin = Uploading in WordPress Dashboard = 1. Download the "logo-slider-wp.zip" from WordPress.org 1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard 1. Navigate to "Plugins > Add New" 2. Click the "Upload Plugin" at the top of the screen. 3. Select "logo-slider-wp.zip" from your computer 4. Click 'Install Now' 5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard == Frequently Asked Questions == = How Can I Manage Logo Order ? = It's very simple. Logo items can be sorted by Drag & Drop, Title, Date, or Randomly. You can easily manage it from the query settings. = How Can I Enable Carousel Autoplay & Infinite slide Loop? = The number of displayed slides in the viewport must be less or equal to the total logo items. You can control it from the responsive settings. == Screenshots == 1. Demo Preview 2. Plugin Usage 3. Demo Preview 4. Demo Preview 5. Plugin Settings 6. Plugin Settings 7. Plugin Settings 8. Plugin Settings 9. Plugin Settings 10. Demo Preview == Changelog == = 3.5.3 = * Admin form field Validation. = 3.5.2 = * Added Flex Layout * Rearranged Admin Fields = 3.5.1 = * Added Image Location Options * Added Content Align Option * Update Demo & Style = 3.5.0 = * Updated Style * Section Header * Add Max height and width * Fixed Navigation Hide issue. * Set Image Vertical Align Middle = 3.4.0 = * Added New Grid Style = 3.3.0 = * Improvement & Bug Fix * Removed Out Animation = 3.2.4 = * Improved Title Meta value display = 3.2.3 = * Added tooltip max & min-width Fields * Checked Latest Compatibility = 3.2.2 = * Add Image Dimension Property * Fixed Section Area Width Issue * Added Inline Admin from style * Rearranged Admin Fields = 3.2.1 = * Added New breakpoint to Grid Mobile View * Changed Default Transition Value * Removed the Unwanted Admin notification = 3.2.0 = * Added Item order sorting option * Grid logo vertical alignment Control * Carousel navigation button icon centering = 3.1.4 = * Check Latest Compatibility * Item limit integer casting = 3.1.3 = * Added Categories column to the all logos list * Single Carousel multiple instances issue solved = 3.1.2 = * Added New Options * Update General Style = 3.1.1 = * Fixed dynamic style loading issue for multiple layout = 3.0.0 = * Added Shortcode Generator * Core System Upgraded * File Structure Rearranged = 2.8.0 = * Double slash removed from assets URL = 2.7.0 = * Check Latest Compatibility = 2.6.0 = * File Structure Rearranged * Check Latest Compatibility = 2.5.0 = *Added Ticker Layout *Added Autoplay timeout Speed *Removed Slider Deprecated Settings = 2.4.4 = *Removed Item Order from default settings *Removed Order By from default settings *Improved Usage Guidelines *Managed assets enqueue only for the shortcode pages. = 2.4.3 = *Compatible with WordPress 5.8 = 2.4.2 = * Add Vertical Align Center Support = 2.4.1 = * Exclude jetpack lazy load from logo = 2.4.0 = *Compatible with WordPress 5.7.1. = 2.3.5 = *Solved jQuery dependency issue. = 2.3.4 = *Drag and Drop Logo Order Sorting = 2.3.0 = * Add new column head in Brand Listing page * Update Meta field label = 2.2.3 = * Alter Deprecated Function = 2.2.0 = * Improve Settings * Add Target Type param * User Friendly * Bug Fix = 2.1.0 = * Improvement & Bug Fix * Update Branding = 2.1.0 = * Fix Compatibility Issue = 2.0.0 = * New Admin Settings = 1.9.0 = * New Logo Description * Bug Fix = 1.8.0 = * Improvement & Bug Fix = 1.5.0 = * Stable Version = 1.3.3 = * Check Latest Compatibility = 1.3.0 = * Fix Validation = 1.2.0 = * Fix Slider Param = 1.1.0 = * Fix Company URL Problem = 1.0.0 = * Initial public release.