=== Logo Carousel – Logo Slider, Logo Showcase, and Clients Logo Gallery === Contributors: shapedplugin, shamimmiashuhagh, rubel_miah, khalilu Donate link: https://shapedplugin.com/donate/ Tags: logo carousel, logo slider, carousel slider, carousel, logo showcase, logo gallery, clients logo gallery, best WordPress logo showcase, carousel, responsive logo carousel, clients logo carousel, logo carousel slider, logo slide show, vertical logo carousel, logo grid showcase, logo list, brands logo carousel, partners, supporters, sponsors, affiliates Requires at least: 4.3 Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: 3.4.15 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add, display and manage clients, partners, sponsors, brands logos with multiple slideshows on your site. Customizable. No coding required! == Description == [__Live Demo__](https://shapedplugin.com/logo-carousel/logo-carousel-lite-version-demos/) | [__Documentation__](https://docs.shapedplugin.com/docs/logo-carousel/introduction/) | [__Upgrade to Pro!__](https://shapedplugin.com/logo-carousel/pricing/?ref=1) [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf1EbH4T1bg&list=PLoUb-7uG-5jN7hMCpV5dtKLqAMsk_NmZc] [__Logo Carousel__](https://shapedplugin.com/logo-carousel/?ref=1) is a beautiful logo showcase and clients logo gallery plugin that allows you to display a group of logo images in a visually appealing carousel through an intuitive Shortcode Generator. It’s very user-friendly and convenient to manage & display the logo images in your any WordPress site. The plugin is aesthetically designed for everyone including designers & developers and perfect to display your clients, sponsors, partners, affiliates, supporters, brands logos in a simple and unique style. It is highly customizable and flexible logo showcase builder plugin that's both EASY and POWERFUL and NO CODING knowledge required! = Key features comes with this plugin = * Fully responsive & mobile friendly. * Elegant, lightweight, and powerful. * Easy Shortcode Generator. * Unlimited logo carousels (Multiple instances on the same page). * Unique settings for each carousel. * Control logo columns in different devices. * Logo section title and bottom margin. * Logo margin (space between logos). * Logo border width, style, color, and hover color. * Logo title attribute. * AutoPlay On/Off. * AutoPlay speed control. * Pagination speed control. * Stop on the hover carousel. * Infinite looping for the carousel. * Preloader option. * Show/hide navigation. * Show/hide pagination. * Navigation and pagination hide on mobile. * Navigation color control options. * Pagination dots color and hover color. * Logo order & order by. * Touch swipe enable/disable. * Mouse draggable enable/disable. * Translation ready. * RTL and LTR carousel direction. * Advanced plugin settings page. * Clean-up data on deletion option. * Custom CSS field to override styles. * Scripts and styles enqueue and dequeue options. * Compatible with any theme. * Developer friendly. * SEO friendly & optimized for speed. * Support all modern browsers: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. * Fast and active support. * And many more options. = Multilingual Ready = * [WPML](https://wpml.org/) * [Polylang](https://wordpress.org/plugins/polylang/) * [qTranslate-x](https://wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate-x/) * [GTranslate](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gtranslate/) * [Google Language Translator](https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-language-translator/) * [WPGlobus](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) = Page Builders Ready = * Gutenberg * WPBakery * Elementor * Divi Builders * BeaverBuilder * SiteOrgin * Themify Builder * Fusion Builder * Genesis Framework = For fast support, features request, and bug reporting = We are very responsive about support requests – so if you face a problem or find any bugs, post it in the support, and we will respond within 15 hours (except holidays). >Ask us at either via our [__Support__](https://shapedplugin.com/support/?user=lite) or [__WordPress.org__](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/logo-carousel-free/) = Author = Designed and Developed by [__ShapedPlugin__](https://shapedplugin.com/) == Installation == = MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS = * PHP 5.6 or later * MySQL 5.6 or later * WordPress 4.3 or later **This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working** = AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION (EASIEST WAY) = To do an automatic install of Logo Carousel, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type "Logo Carousel" by ShapedPlugin. Once you have found it you can install it by simply clicking "Install Now" and then "Activate". = MANUAL INSTALLATION = **Uploading in WordPress Dashboard** * Download logo-carousel-free.zip * Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard * Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area * Select logo-carousel-free.zip from your computer * Click ‘Install Now’ * Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard **Using FTP** * Download logo-carousel-free.zip * Extract the logo-carousel-free directory to your computer * Upload the logo-carousel-free directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory * Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to install a WordPress plugin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can I create Logo Carousel? = After activating the plugin, you will see “Logo Carousel” in WordPress Admin Dashboard. Firstly, Go to “Add New Logo” and upload your logos as many as you want. Secondly, Go to Shortcode Generator > Add New Shortcode and you will find 3 Tabs “General Settings”, “Carousel Settings” and “Stylization” You can customize the setting fields how you want & publish and you will see a generated shortcode in the top area. Finally, You need insert it any page or post through tinyMCE button easily. = Do I need to have coding skills to use Logo Carousel? = No. You don’t need any coding skill. No more pain writing any shortcode attributes to display logo carousel in your website. With just few clicks, you can amazingly showcase your logos using Shortcode Generator. = Is Logo Carousel responsive? = Yes, Logo Carousel is fully responsive, mobile and touch friendly. = Can I add Logo Carousel anywhere on my website? = Yes, you can add Logo Carousel inside your blog posts, pages, widgets, and anywhere else on your WordPress website with a shortcode or PHP function. = Can I have multiple logo carousel with separate setting? = Yes. You can have unlimited logo carousel or showcase with each separate setting in page, post or template. = Will Logo Carousel work with my theme? = Logo Carousel works with any WordPress theme if themes are developed according to WordPress standard. = Is Logo Carousel supported with WordPress multisite? = Yes, Logo Carousel works perfectly with WordPress multi network site. = How can I get support if the plugin is not working? = If you face any problem with our plugin or something is not working as it should, first follow the preliminary steps: Test the plugin with a WordPress default theme, to be sure that the error is not caused by the theme you are currently using. Deactivate all plugins you are using and check if the problem is still occurring. If none of the previous listed actions helps you solve the problem, then, submit a ticket in the **Support** and describe your problem accurately, specify WordPress and plugin versions you are using and any other information that might help us solve your problem as quickly as possible. Pro version users [__Support__](https://shapedplugin.com/support/) and Free or Lite Version [__Support__](https://shapedplugin.com/support/?user=lite). = Where can I report bugs? = Bugs can be reported in our [__Support__](https://shapedplugin.com/support/?user=lite). = I’d like access to more features. How can I get them? = You can get access to more features when you purchase a license of the plugin. Purchasing a license of [__Logo Carousel Pro__](https://shapedplugin.com/logo-carousel/pricing/?ref=1) gets you access to the full version of Logo Carousel, automatic lifetime updates and support. = Is Logo Carousel Translation Ready? = Yes, **Logo Carousel** is 100% translation ready and tested with [WPML](https://wpml.org/), [Polylang](https://wordpress.org/plugins/polylang/), [qTranslate-x](https://wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate-x/), [GTranslate](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gtranslate/), [Google Language Translator](https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-language-translator/), [WPGlobus](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpglobus/) = Do you Like this Plugin and want to encourage us for improvement? = Please give the plugin [__5 Star__](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/logo-carousel-free/reviews/?filter=5#new-post) rating and your precious appreciation will help us to make it much great in future. Thank you! == Screenshots == 1. Live Demo 2. General Settings 3. Style Settings 4. Logo Image Settings 5. Carousel Controls 6. Typography (Pro) 7. All Logo Carousels (Shortcodes) 8. Advanced Settings 9. Custom CSS 10. Tools (Export) 11. Tools (Import) 12. Add New Logo 13. All Logos == Changelog == = 3.4.15 Nov 10, 2022 = * New: The Free mode option. * Improved: Load dynamic style according to the shortcode on the page. * Fix: The JS warning on click export of logos on the export page. * Fix: Dequeue Assets option does not work when the Elementor plugin is enabled. * Tested: WordPress 6.1 compatibility. = 3.4.14 Sept 29, 2022 = * Fix: Few deprecated JS warnings on the plugin admin page. = 3.4.13 Aug 25, 2022 = * Improved: SVG preloader icon as a pre-loader image. * Improved: Optimized SVG images. * Fix: Security issues. * Fix: Conflict with the W3 Total Cache's lazyload feature. * Removed: Unused codes and assets from the plugin. = 3.4.12 Aug 01, 2022 = * Fix: Logo Alt Text shown for Logo title, not from alt text. * Removed: Removed unused codes and functions from the plugin. * Updated: Live Demo page & Landing page link. = 3.4.11 Jul 07, 2022 = * Fix: Logo items are not excluded from WordPress Search Results. * Updated: The notice texts of creating/editing the shortcode. = 3.4.10 Jun 14, 2022 = * Fix: The premium page warnings. * Update: The language (.pot) file. = 3.4.9 May 19, 2022 = * Tested: WordPress 6.0 compatibility. * Fix: Deprecated warning of Gutenberg Block. * Fix: Few deprecated js warnings. = 3.4.8 Apr 23, 2022 = * New: Elementor Addon. * Fix: Some assets of the Logo Carousel admin panel are not loaded properly in a few websites as that hosting directory is different. = 3.4.7 Mar 09, 2022 = * New: Gutenberg Block for Logo Carousel shortcode. * New: The alt attribute to the preloader image has been added. * New: Specific class added in the logo image tag to exclude lazyload conflict of other plugins. * Fix: Image vertically middle/center does not work. * Fix: Custom CSS loads multiple times if multiple shortcodes are used on a page. = 3.4.6 Jan 26, 2022 = * Tested: WordPress 5.9 compatibility. = 3.4.5 Dec 21, 2021 = * Fix: Image tag title attr double quote issue. * Improved: Plugin security improved. = 3.4.4 Dec 14, 2021 = * Improved: Shortcode duplication nonce sanitized. * Fix: The export issue. * Removed: Unnecessary codes. = 3.4.3 Nov 30, 2021 = * Improved: Plugin security improved. = 3.4.2 Nov 17, 2021 = * New: Capability permission hook added. * Improved: Plugin security improved. * Removed: Google Font asset removed. = 3.4.1 Nov 08, 2021 = * Fix: Logo limit field blank issue. = 3.4.0 Oct 19, 2021 = * New: Shortcode live preview option. * Improved: Shortcode settings panel text. * Fix: Several minor tweaking. = 3.3.5 Aug 26, 2021 = * Improved: Plugin security. = 3.3.4 Jul 10, 2021 = * Fix: AutoPlay stopping on mobile device issue. = 3.3.3 Jun 05, 2021 = * New: Export and Import option. = 3.3.2 May 27, 2021 = * New: Margin bottom for the section title. * New: Logo margin between logos. * New: Show/Hide logo image. * New: Available logo image cropped sizes. * Improved: Logo limits default value 15 withdrawn. * Improved: Backend Generator Settings panel. * Improved: Codes optimized. * Improved: Minor CSS tweaking. = 3.3.1 May 11, 2021 = * New: Plugin Settings page added. * New: Clean-up data on deletion option. * New: Enqueue/Dequeue FontAwesome CSS. * New: Enqueue/Dequeue Swiper CSS. * New: Enqueue/Dequeue Swiper JS. * New: Custom CSS field to override styles. * Fix: Spinner field issue. * Fix: Shortcode area padding issue. * Improved: Minor tweaking. = 3.3.0 May 01, 2021 = * New: Infinite loop for the logo carousel. * New: Carousel Direction: Right to Left and Left to Right. * New: Navigation hide on mobile. * New: Pagination hide on mobile. * New: Navigation color and hover color. * New: Navigation border width, style, color, and hover color. * New: Pagination dot independent active color. * New: Logo section title. * New: Logo border width, style, color, and hover color. * New: Logo title attribute. * New: Preloader option. * Improved: Color accessibility for disabled people. * Improved: Shortcode Generator Settings panel. * Improved: Optimized for speed. * Update: Plugin framework and whole code base. = 3.2.13 Apr 23, 2021 = * Improved: Swiper latest version has been added. * Fix: Shortcode area icon click and responsive issue. = 3.2.12 Mar 13, 2021 = * New: Shortcode onClick copy option. * Tested: WordPress 5.7 compatibility. = 3.2.11 Dec 24, 2020 = * Fix: WordPress 5.6 compatibility issue. * Improved: Pro version compatibility. * Improved: Carousel scripts. = 3.2.10 Aug 17, 2020 = * Fix: WordPress 5.5 compatibility issue. = 3.2.9 Jul 10, 2020 = * New: Carousel duplicate option. = 3.2.8 Dec 06, 2019 = * Fix: Backend logo column image sizing issue. * Improved: Load minified CSS & JS. = 3.2.7 Nov 25, 2019 = * Fix: WordPress 5.3 compatibility issue. = 3.2.6 Aug 08, 2019 = * Improved: Style and Script enqueue system. * Improved: Admin dashboard UI. = 3.2.5 May 22, 2019 = * Fix: WordPress 5.2.1 compatible issue. = 3.2.4 Mar 04, 2019 = * Fix: WordPress 5.1 compatible issue. = 3.2.3 Dec 27, 2018 = * Improved: Carousel script improved. = 3.2.2 Dec 03, 2018 = * Fix: Images are visible before carousel is initialized. = 3.2.1 Nov 05, 2018 = * Fix: "Pause on Hover" issue for carousel. = 3.2 Oct 23, 2018 = * Admin Dashboard UI improvement. * CSS tweaks and whole codes optimized. = 3.1.2 Aug 25, 2018 = * Post conversion SQL query improved. = 3.1.1 December 18, 2017 = * JavaScript Codes Improved to make more SEO friendly. = 3.1, November 08, 2017 = * Admin dashboard improved * Some issues fixed = 3.0.2 = * Widget area issue fixed = 3.0.1 = * Custom column added in logo post = 3.0 = * Shortcode Generator Added * Tiny MCE button to insert shortcode * Total Logo * Tailor based responsive option * Order and OrderBy Option * AutoPlay * AutoPlay speed * Pause on hover * Touch Swipe * Mouse Drag * RTL mode = 2.0 = * Massive changes = 1.3 = * Fixed CSS = 1.2 = * Fixed fatal error = 1.1 = * Add shortcode backend = 1.0 = * First Release