=== Templately - Templates Cloud for Elementor & Gutenberg : 2500+ Free & Premium Designs! === Contributors: templately, wpdevteam, re_enter_rupok, Asif2BD, priyomukul, rahat89, shadab109 Donate link: https://templately.com Tags: templates, elementor, template-cloud, template, clouds, elementor templates, gutenberg, gutenberg templates, wordpress cloud, cloud backup Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.1 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.0.2 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Ultimate Free Templates Cloud for WordPress - Elementor & Gutenberg! 2500+ Free & Premium Designs! == Description == = Ultimate Free Templates Cloud for WordPress - Elementor & Gutenberg Supported = Take your favourite Page Builders to a whole new level & manage all your designs in one place with [Templately](https://templately.com) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coLxfjnrm3I ## πŸ”₯ THE FUTURE OF PAGE BUILDING WITH CLOUD ## Save all your designs with Templately & deploy in hundreds of websites with 1-click. Increase productivity and power up your whole team to build websites faster than ever before. ### 🌟 Stunning Free Templates: ### Sign up right now and get started with beautiful Templates. You can just import these designs with 1 click & start creating WordPress pages. ### πŸš€ Free Storage at MyCloud ### Save your design templates in MyCloud storage and access all your Saved Templates anytime from any device. ### βš™οΈ Seamless Integration With Page Builders ### Create landing pages with Elementor, Gutenberg and boost up your page building experience to the next level. ### πŸ”₯ Over 2000 Elementor Templates Available Already ### Elementor Template are easiest way to build website fast with the most popular pagebuilder, we have 2000+ templates available already. ### πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Super Friendly Support ### Get help and assistance from our dedicated forum support and create stunning landing pages with Templately. ### πŸ”₯ Advanced Premium Templates [PRO] ### Create conversion optimized landing pages for every niche using the Templately PRO templates packs. πŸ™Œ After reading this feature list, you can probably imagine Templately can change the way you used to create websites and save plenty of time. So, do you want to unlock the advanced features? Upgrade to our Pro version. ## πŸš€ BACKED BY A TRUSTED TEAM ## This Templates Cloud is brought to you by the team behind [WPDeveloper](https://wpdeveloper.com), a dedicated marketplace for WordPress, trusted by over 5 Million+ happy users. ## πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT ## - For documentation and tutorials go to our [documentation](https://docs.templately.com/) - If you have any more questions, visit our support on the [Plugin's Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/templately). - For more information about features, FAQs and documentation, check out our website at [Templately](https://templately.com/). ## πŸ’™ LOVED Templately? ## - Join our [Facebook Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpdeveloper.net/) - If you love Templately, rate us on [WordPress](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/templately/reviews/?rate=5#new-post) ## πŸ”₯ WHAT’S NEXT ## If you like Templately, then consider checking out our other WordPress Plugins: - πŸ” [Essential Addons For Elementor](https://wordpress.org/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/) – Most popular Elementor extensions with 1 Million+ active users in the WordPress repository. - πŸ”” [NotificationX](https://notificationx.com/) – Best Social Proof & FOMO Marketing Solution to increase conversion rates. - ⏰ [SchedulePress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-scheduled-posts/) – Complete solution for WordPress Post Scheduling to manage schedules through an editorial calendar. - πŸ“„ [EmbedPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/embedpress/): EmbedPress lets you embed videos, images, posts, audio, maps and upload PDF, DOC, PPT & all other types of content into your WordPress site with one-click and showcase it beautifully for the visitors. - πŸ“š [BetterDocs](https://wordpress.org/plugins/betterdocs/): Best Documentation & Knowledge Base Plugin for WordPress reduce manual support tickets & improve user experience. - ⭐ [ReviewX](https://wordpress.org/plugins/reviewx/): WooCommerce Product review plugin that allows users to submit product reviews with multiple criteria, photos, video and more. - ⚑ [Flexia](http://wordpress.org/plugins/flexia): Most lightweight, customizable & multi purpose theme for WordPress. Visit [WPDeveloper](https://wpdeveloper.com/) to learn more about how to do better in WordPress with [Help Tutorial, Tips & Tricks](https://wpdeveloper.com/blog). == Installation == = Modern Way: = 1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard "Add New Plugin" section. 2. Search For "Templately". 3. Install, then Activate it. 4. Follow the [Documentation](https://docs.templately.com/) = Old Way: = 1. Upload `templately` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Follow the [Documentation](https://docs.templately.com/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does it work with any WordPress theme? = Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme. == Screenshots == 1. Template Gallery 2. Importing ready templates 3. Saving templates in cloud 4. Importing templates from MyCloud 5. Templately WorkSpace == Changelog == = 2.0.2 - 04-10-2022 = Fixed: UX for verification popup for non-logged in users. Few minor bug fixes and improvements = 2.0.1 - 04-10-2022 = Fixed: Login Migration issue Fixed: Workspace import issue in Gutenberg editor Fixed: My Cloud Item Download Issue Fixed: Gutenberg template import not showing proper message for non-verified users Few minor bug fixes and improvements = 2.0.0 - 03-10-2022 = Upgraded: React 16 to 18 Added: Types for Pages and Blocks Added: Categories for Packs Added: Layouts or item references on the item details page for a single item pack. Added: Related items carousel in pack details page. Improved: State management for the Templately App with Redux and Saga Improved: Item details page UI/UX for better navigation Improved: Items filter on the pack details page. Improved: Backend Call for content from Templately Server. Improved: Filter options with Types, Categories, Tags, and Dependencies Improved: Search based on Item Type (i.e: Pages, Blocks, Packs, etc) Improved: Item Insertion Method for both Elementor and Gutenberg Improved: Separate Profile page removed and introducing Profile dropdown menu to access Favorites and My Downloads easily. Improved: Sign In and Signup page. Improved: Error Handling Improved: Item Dependency UI. Added tooltip to easily get the dependencies name. Improved: Favourites functionality. = 1.3.6 - 07-07-2022 = Improvement: Added popup message when the MyCloud space is over for Starter plan. Fixed: Importing issue of downloaded file from MyCloud. Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.3.5 - 02-06-2022 = Fixed: Dependency Check and Autoinstalling from Search Screen. Fixed: Placeholder text alignment for workspace-editing in elementor screen. Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.3.4 - 27-04-2022 = Fixed: Block Editor Console Error Fixed: PHP Disable Functions Warnings Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.3.3 - 25-01-2022 = Fixed: Category filter issue. Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.3.2 - 20-01-2022 = Added: Tri-State Dependency Actions for Filter ( include, exclude and nothing ). Fixed: Adding Template to My Cloud is not working. Fixed: WorkSpace Dropdown List Keeps Same if I switched to another WorkSpace. Fixed: Filter reset button not clearing the tags properly. Fixed: Cannot save the change in WorkSpace. Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.3.1 - 21-11-2021 = Added: Packs and pages support for Gutenberg. Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.3.0 - 04-07-2021 = Added: New Profile page with My Favourites & Downloaded Item List Fixed: Template Count issues for Gutenberg platform Fixed: Preloader not showing properly when items are inserted Fixed: Dependency Selection Issue Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.2.3 - 25-05-2021 = Fixed: My Cloud items not syncing after switching to a different account Fixed: Workspace not updating in real-time Fixed: Auto Installations of dependency plugins not working properly Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.2.2 - 20-04-2021 = Fixed: JS Uncaught ERROR issue. Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.2.1 - 17-02-2021 = Fixed: PHP 5.6 compatibility issue. = 1.2.0 - 16-02-2021 = Added: Download Button for Cloud Item, WorkSpace Item Added: Grid View for Cloud Items, WorkSpace Items. Added: Copy for Shared WorkSpace Item. Added: Messages for Clouds for Unverified Users. Added: Some UI Changes Fixed: PreLoader on insertion Fixed: Auto logged out for Unverified Users. Fixed: Tags Filter Issue Fixed: My WorkSpace dropdown css issue. Fixed: Lots of UI Issues. = 1.1.8 - 17-01-2021 = Tweaked: Minor changes in the Dashboard UI Fixed: Missing insert icon for all blocks Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.7 - 04-01-2021 = Added: Pretty URL in the Templately Dashboard for all items Fixed: Search option for Workspace not working properly Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.6 - 20-12-2020 = Fixed: Search bar not working properly inside Elementor Editor Fixed: Item Previews not working properly Fixed: Items insertion failure from Preview page Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.5 - 09-12-2020 = Added: Global Login option Added: Filter Templates by tags Fixed: Safari browser incompatibility Fixed: Scrolling not working inside Elementor Editor Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.4 - 26-11-2020 = - Fixed: Safari Issue - Added: Tags Filter - Added: Tags Filter - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.4 - 26-11-2020 = - Improved: Upgraded to React 17.* - Revamped: Code Structure for better performance - Fixed: WordPress Dashboard not scrolling from Templately page - Fixed: Responsive issues on different devices - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.3 - 27-10-2020 = - Fixed: No Items Found error inside Workspace - Fixed: Template Insertion placement issue inside Elementor Editor - Fixed: Workspace not showing initially inside WordPress Dashboard - Added: Pagination option for Templates Overview inside WordPress Dashboard - Improved: Overall UI/UX with Revamped Designs - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.1.2 - 06-08-2020 = - Fixed: Push to Cloud from Gutenberg screen. - Fixed: Auto refresh in MyClouds Page after redirect from SaveTemplates screen. - Enhanced: Changed Push button to Save Post( post_type ) in Templately in Gutenberg Screen. = 1.1.1 - 17-07-2020 = - Added: Dependency Plugin filter - Fixed: PreviewHeader Insert Issue - Lots of minor bugfix and improvements = 1.1.0 - 16-06-2020 = - Added: Auto install option for dependency plugins - Enhancement : Login/Sign Up Process - Fixed : Cloud Search Pagination issue - Lots of minor bugfix and improvements = 1.0.2 - 21-05-2020 = - Added: My Cloud Search - Fixed: Lodash & Underscore JS conflict - Fixed: Classic Editor conflict = 1.0.1 - 14-05-2020 = * Fixed : Pro template insertion issue * Fixed : Workspace redirection after delete workspace from it's details page * Few minor bugfix and improvement = 1.0.0 - 14-05-2020 = * Added : Workspace for better collaboration * Added : Platform switcher (Elementor & Gutenberg) * Lots of minor bugfix and improvement = 0.4.0 - 16-04-2020 = * Added : Search Option * Added : Dependency Icons * Fixed : Gutenberg insert from preview * Lots of minor bugfix and improvement = 0.3.0 - 30-03-2020 = * Added : Gutenberg Blocks * Improvement : Page, Block, Packs are request optimized * Lots of minor bugfix and improvement = 0.2.0 - 19-03-2020 = * Introducing : Gutenberg Cloud * Improved : Elementor push to cloud functionality * Few minor bugfix and improvement = 0.1.3 - 15-03-2020 = * Fixed : Conflict with Gutenerg cloud = 0.1.2 - 15-03-2020 = * Improved : Signupflow * Few minor bugfix and improvement = 0.1.0 - 11-03-2020 = * Added : Context Menu in Elementor to directly save blocks and pages * Lots of minor bugfix and improvement = 0.0.1 - 02-03-2020 = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == [Major Update] Must Update.