=== Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 === Contributors: dnesscarkey Donate link: https://dnesscarkey.com/jquery-validation/buy-now/ Tags: form validation, jquery validation, javascript validation, js validation, extra validation Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 6.4.1 Stable tag: 5.4.2 New standard of advance validation for Contact Form 7. == Description == This plugin adds jquery form validation to your contact form 7. You will be able to validate extra validation rules like: url, date, credit card, phone number in the contact form 7 fields. Benefits you get from this plugins. * Adds Jquery Validation to Contact Form Fields. * More faster validation than of contact form core validation. * Allows field to be validated for url, date, credit card, number and more. * Field Highlight features for invalid field data types. * Error message for individual fields. * Easy to to add validation rules. Just add class in contact form 7 fields. * Interactive validation that your users love. * Works with multiple forms now. Validation Methods available in lite version. * Required * Email * Url * Date * Number * Digit only * Credit Card * US Phone number * Letters Only * IBAN (International Bank account number) LITE VERSION DEMO Documentation How To Use | Validation Methods Additional Validation Methods available in PRO version. * Multiple Custom Code Validation with One time Code option. * Custom RegEx Validation - Define any validation rules you need. * Username validation check (Demo : https://bit.ly/2BueOn2). * Email Code Verification (Demo : https://bit.ly/3gOJuiS). * Alpha Numeric - Letters, numbers, and underscores only * Bank or Giro account number. * BIC Code - Accepts Valid BIC Code Only. * Giro Account - Accepts Giro Account number only. * Integer - Accepts positive or negative non-decimal number. * IPv4 / IPv6 - Accepts IPv4/IPv6 IP address only. * Mobile UK - Accepts UK Mobile number only. * Phone UK - Accepts UK phone number only. * US State - Accpets US state only. * Minimum Number - Makes the element require a given minimum. * Maximum Number - Makes the element require a given maximum. * Minimum Length - Makes the element require a given minimum length. * Maximum Length - Makes the element require a given maximum length. * Range Length - Makes the element require a given value range. * Range - Makes the element require a given value range. * Equal To - Requires the element to be the same as another one * Extension - Makes the element require a certain file extension * Require Group - Ensures a given number of fields in a group are complete. Additional Features in Pro version. * 4 different validation error theme to choose from. * Change validation error message. PRO VERSION DEMO | BUY PRO VERSION For Support Please Visit https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/jquery-validation-for-contact-form-7/. Don't forget to check the instructions in the setting page of the plugin. jQuery Validation for Gravity Form available Need javascript based validation for Gravity Forms ? Check out our jQuery Validation For Gravity Form plugin here. == Installation == 1. You can install plugin directly from WordPress Plugin menu. Search for Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 and click on Install OR you can download the plugin and install jquery-validation-for-contact-form-7.zip from Upload Plugin button from WordPress Plugin menu. 1. Activate the Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 1. Select Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 under Settings 1. Don't forget to check the instructions in the setting page of the plugin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does it works with multiple contact form ? = Yes, this plugin has been take care to handle multiple forms in a single page. = Is there custom code validation ? = Custom code validation is available only in Pro version. You can get the Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 Pro from here. = Can i change error message ? = With Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 Pro you can change the error msg from the settings. == Screenshots == 1. Contact Form With extra jquery validation in front end. 1. Setting and Instruction For Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7. 1. Change Error Message 1. Validation Error Theme 1 (Lite Version) 1. Validation Error Theme 2 (Only Available in Pro Version) 1. Validation Error Theme 3 (Only Available in Pro Version) 1. Validation Error Theme 4 (Only Available in Pro Version) 1. Validation Error None (Lite Version) == Changelog == = 5.4.2 = * Using latest version Jquery validation 1.19.5 = 5.4.1 = * Fixed hidden element validation issue. = 5.3 = * Fixed CSRF Issue. * Tested with latest version of Contact Form 7 and Wordpress 6.0 = 5.2 = * Add validation trigger on Blur = 5.1 = * Added + character in email validation. * Fix error message issue for checkbox and radio fields. = 5.0 = * Revised UI * Code Refactoring. Faster than before. = 4.5.3 = * Fixed email validation issue for longer TLD Domains = 4.5.3 = * Fixed email validation for TLD Domains = 4.5.2 = * Fixed email being required by default issue. = 4.5.1 = * Fixed issue with hiding Pro message. = 4.5 = * Tested with Contact Form 5.1.9 = 4.4 = * Scroll to error message when validation fails. = 4.3 = * Error fixes created by 4.2 version. = 4.2 = * Compatible with latest version of Contact Form 7 and Wordpress = 4.1 = * Added letters and space only validation = 4.0 = * Fixed to work with latest version 4.8 of Contact From 7 = 3.3 = * Tested with 4.7. * Fixed notices. * More new validation in pro version. = 3.2 = * Added extra email validaton rule. * Fixed checkbox validation issue. = 3.1 = * Fixed Contact Form 7 loading icon issue. = 3.0.2 = * Tested with WP 4.2.3 and Contact Form 7 Ver 4.2.1. * Latest jquery validation plugin = 3.0.1 = * Tested with WP 4.1.1 and Contact Form 7 Ver 4.1.1. * Added more validation rules. * Fixed PhoneUS validation. = 2.0 = * Tested with 3.9 = 1.1 = * Multiple form issues fixed. = 0.3 = * IE issues fixed. = 0.2 = * Error Fixes = 0.1 = * First Release