=== WP Gravity Forms Constant Contact Plugin === Contributors: crmperks, sbazzi, asif876 Tags: Gravity Forms, Gravity Forms Constant Contact, gravity forms and constant contact, Constant Contact, gravity forms constant contact addon Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 6.3 Stable tag: 1.0.9 Version: 1.0.9 Requires PHP: 5.3 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Gravity Forms Constant Contact Plugin sends Gravity forms entries to Constant Contact. == Description == Gravity Forms Constant Contact Plugin sends form submissions from Gravity Forms to Constant Contact when anyone submits a form on your site. Learn more at [crmperks.com](https://www.crmperks.com/plugins/gravity-forms-plugins/gravity-forms-constant-contact-plugin/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=directory&utm_campaign=constant_readme) == Gravity Forms Constant Contact Addon Setup == * Go to Forms -> Settings -> Constant Contact then add new account. * Go to Forms -> select any form -> Settings -> Constant Contact then create new feed. * Map required Constant Contact fields to Gravity Forms form fields. * Send your test entry to Constant Contact by clicking "Send to Constant Contact" button. * Go to Forms -> select any form -> Settings -> Constant Contact Logs and verify status of previously sent entries. == Why Gravity Forms Constant Contact - CRM Perks == This Gravity Forms Constant Contact plugin uses latest version of constant contact API v3 and displays list of all custom fields. You can create different custom fields in Constant Contact Like "Wedding Anniversary" instead of "Custom 1" , "Custom 2"
**Connect Constant Contact account** Connect any Gravity Forms form to Constant Contact account by simply entering Constant Contact API key. Additionally, you can connect multiple Constant Contact accounts to Gravity Forms. **Map Constant Contact fields** Select Constant Contact list then Map any Gravity Forms fields to Constant Contact contact fields. Plugin displays list of all Constant Contact custom fields. **Filter Gravity Forms submissions** Filter Gravity Forms submissions sent to Constant Contact based on user input. For example , send those customers to Constant Contact who check "Subscribe" checkbox. **Manually send to Constant Contact** Send Gravity Forms submissions to Constant Contact when anyone submits a form. You can manually send Gravity Forms submissions to Constant Contact. **Constant Contact logs** View a detailed log of each Gravity Forms submission whether sent or not sent to Constant Contact and easily resend Gravity Forms submission to Constant Contact. **Send Data As Constant Contact object Notes** Send one to many Gravity Forms fields as Constant Contact object notes. == Screenshots == 1. Connect Constant Contact Account. 2. Map Constant Contact fields. 3. Constant Contact logs. 4. Send Gravity Forms entry to Constant Contact. 5. Get email infomation of Gravity Forms entry from Full Contact(Premium feature). 6. Get Customer geolocation, browser and OS (Premium feature). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I get support? = Our team provides free support at https://www.crmperks.com/contact-us/. = Gravity forms and Constant Contact = Gravity forms is popular form builder. You can send data from Gravity Forms to constant contact when anyone submits a form on your site. = Adding Constant Contact newsletter signup using Gravity form = Simply create a signup form using Gravity Forms and add this form anywhere on your site. When anyone submits this form , a new contact will be added to constant contact list. = Gravity form constant contact integration = You can easily integrate Gravity forms with constant contact. You can subscribe a contact to different list when he/she submits a Contact form. = Gravity forms Constant Contact opt in = You can setup multiple conditions for subscribing to constant contact list. For example , only subscribe if user has checked a specific checkbox. = Gravity forms constant contact php7 = Our Gravity forms Constant Contact plugin supports all versions of php including php7. = gravity forms constant contact post to different lists = You can easily subscribe a contact to multiple Constant Contact list when any user submits a contact form on your site. = Gravity forms Constant Contact fields = This Gravity Forms Constant add on displays all constant contact fields, you can easily map these fields to Gravity Forms fields. == Changelog == = 1.0.9 = * fixed "connection lost" issue. * fixed "CC API upgrade" issue. = 1.0.8 = * fixed "undefined post function" issue. = 1.0.7 = * fixed "escape variables" issue. = 1.0.6 = * fixed "debug xss" issue. = 1.0.5 = * fixed php8 issues. = 1.0.4 = * fixed "list_id field" issue. = 1.0.3 = * fixed "welcome email" issue. = 1.0.2 = * fixed "invalid media type" error when testing connection. = 1.0.1 = * email permissions option added. = 1.0.0 = * Initial release.Premium Version Features.
Following features are available only in premium version. Gravity Forms Constant Contact.
- Custom fields of Constant Contact.
- Constant Contact Phone Number fields.
- When any user submits a contact form, track gclid, geolocation and utm parameters.
- Lookup customer's phone number or email using popular email and phone number lookup services.
- 20+ premium addons